SPH 4U1 Daily Outlines
Latest Update: July 10 9:17 PM
July 5 Monday
- Introduction to the program, text books given out (I hope)
- Rules of Engagment discussed. Get Note
- Equipment needed, requirements for tests
- Home Page introduced with comments. Get Note
- How the unit pages are structured
- Overall Expectaions
- Specific Expectations
And then the notes. Get Note
How to print, if problems or changes needed or arise, its up to you to ask
Looking for and using
- A look at the text book, chapters covered and assigning of homework
Doing homework is the key to getting a good mark!
- Timelines covered if possible
- Review of past material
- Kinematics and its equations --- the big seven
- Graphing and graphical analysis
- Problem solving techniques. Need help follow the

Problem analysis is a must, without it, you will probably fail or get a poor mark.
- Drawing vector diagrams
- Adding, subtracting vectors --- geometric solution and algebraic solution
Resolving a vector
- Train Question from notes Get Question
- Inrtoduction to acceleration in one and two dimensions
- Acceleration due to gravity; value 9.83 m/s2 [down]
July 6 Tuesday
- Take up a couple of questions
- Projectile Motion; vertical and horizontal components, equations on page 43 of text (just versions of the original seven).
- Watch your frames of reference, ie.where you put (0,0) and the [up] and [down] components of velocity or acceleration
- Frames of Reference; essential this section looks at objects moving that are in or on another moving object.
For example: A person standing on a bridge watchs a boat pass by on which a person is walking. There can be two observers (frames of reference), the stationary person on the bridge and the person walking on the boat.
- Dynamics: deals with the forces that cause objects to move.
- Friction; kinetic & static. What's a normal force?, Coefficients of friction
- Free body diagrams (just another example of a vector diagram) on horizontal surfaces and on an inclined plane see Internet diagram
- Inertial and noninertial frames of reference; a text book read
Make sure you read the note provided.
July 7 Wednesday
Small quiz on Chapter 1 only, a few multiple choice and a couple of problems to solve.
Should start by 8:30 and finish by 9:30
- A continuation of friction with emphasis on the two different types of friction and
the inclined plane see diagram
- Newton's Laws of Motion, Inertia
- F = ma
- Three forces acting to produce a static event. Use parallelogram of forces to solve.
- Objects in contact with each other and being pushed, forces acting between each object.
- An object suspended on a tied rope or cable and the tensile forces on each portion of the rope. Done in a horizontal plane.
- Video on Newton's three laws
- Problem solving: problem analysis with diagram is a must.
July 8 Thursday
- Video on Vectors
- Kinetic forces of friction and the inclined plane
- Inertial and noninertial frames of reference; another read see page 108.
- Circular Motion: Chapter 3; uniform circular motion and centripetal acceleration.
- Forces acting on objects moving in a circular fashion.
- Equations as per text book or note for circular motion.
- Driving a car around a curve; horizontal and banked.
- Centripetal accleration and the forces acting on an object when it is in cirular motion.
- Universal gravitation; the Law
- Major portion of the day should be a work on questions day.
End of Unit One
July 9 Friday end of week one
Start Unit Two Energy & Momentum --- Chapters 4, 5, & 6
- Introduction to work W =F↔d of W = Fdcosθ
- Video of the relationship between work force and distance
- Work need to increase of decrease a velocity. Object in motion already has an applied force on it.
- How work relates to kinetic energy and potential energy
- Relationship between gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy
- The Law of Conservation of Energy, isolated or closed systems
- Different forms of energy see page 198
July 12 Monday
Test on Unit One At the begining the period 1½ h.
See Test Tips for outline
- Elastic Potential Energy; hasrmonic motion and Hooke's Law
- Dampening effects
- Introduction to momentum, impulse, and collisions
- Conservation of momentum
- Video on collisions
July 13 Tuesday
- Should be a work period
- Elastic and inelastic collisions; the "sticky collision"
- Solving collision problems in 1 & 2 dimensions
- See the various Note-A-Rific note available on these topics
July 14 Wednesday
- Introduction to Astrophysics Kepler's Laws
- Gravitational Fields
- Planetary orbits and the Laws governing their motion around the sun
- Gravitation potential energy, potential energy well, escape velocities
- Work period part of the time
July 15 Thursday
- Introductions to Fields Notes available
- Three types of fields; but this unit only studies electric and magnetic fields
field map and the test charge in an electric field.
- Units for charges and symbols used.
- The electric field produced by a charge distribution
Calculating field strength
- Working with field equations
- Calculating the force or electric field on a test chage in an electric field caused from several charges (either in 1-D or 2-D)
- Equipotential lines, Rules for field lines, field strength and its equation Fe = qE Note both Fe & E are vectors.
July 16 Friday end of week two, half way there folks!
Test on Unit Two At the begining the period 1½ h.
Make sure you keep looking at "Test Tips"
- Field equations and the vector nature of fields
- Electric forces and Coulomb's Law
- Electrical potential; a charge moving in an electric field
- Charge on an electron; Millikan's oil drop experiment
July 19 Monday
- Wrap up of electric fields Chapter seven
- Questions given & done
- Video on Electromagnetism
- Start of Chapter 8 Magnetism:
- The magnetic field surrounding a magnet.
- The domain theory of magnetism; para-, di-, & ferro- magnetism
- Magnetic field surrounding a wire and a coil
- Right hand rules (current flow not electron flow)
- The core of an electromagnet; relative magnetic permeability
- Magnetic field effects on electron beams
- Introduction to the motor principle; a right hand cross product rule
July 20 Tuesday
- Measuring magnetic fields (right hand rule) see page 393 and hand out notes (4 pages)
The magnitude of the magnetic force on a charged particle
- Charge to mass ratios
- Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field
- Applications of magnetic fields
- Magnetic forces on a conductor; the equation for magnetic force
- Ampere's Law
The relationship between the ampere (current flow) and magnetic force
- Law of Electromagnetic Induction; Lenz's Law,
with a video presentation
July 21 Wednesday
Review and practice for tomorrows test
- Introduction to the wave nature of light
- the Universal Wave Equation
- wave terms
- reflection, refraction, index of refraction, Snell's Law, internal reflection and the critical angle
July 22 Thursday
Test on Unit Three At the begining the period 1½ h.
Make sure you can do the problems dictated in class.
- diffraction of waves (applet is a must), around edges,, through large and small slit openings
- How wave length effects diffraction patterns
- wave interference (see applet for visualization), the mathematics of interference patterns
- wave particle duality, Huygen's Principle
July 23 Friday end of week three
- Young's double slit experiment, observations (see applet) and calculations
- colour and wavelength
- wave effects; polarization, diffraction and diffraction gratings
- Soap bubbles and thin films
- electromagnetic waves and light, the electromagnetic spectrum
July 26 Monday
- lets get ready for Tuesday's test
- practice problems etc.
July 27 Tuesday
- Test on Unit Four At the begining the period 1½ h.
- last unit in three parts
- Special Theory of Relativity
- Quantum Mechanics of the atom
- Nuclear physics; radioactive decay and the particle zoo
July 28 Wednesday
- continuation from yesterday
- test & exam review; be prepared to be work & not just goof-off.
July 29 Thursday
Test on Unit Five.
These should be a heavy duty exam review day, if you don't wish to be serious a work then please stay home and not disrupt this class.
Some part of the exam may be done in the last hour of the period.
July 30 Wednesday
Exam During the latter part the period 2½ h.