The Wave Nature of Light

Unit 4

Overall Expectations

By the end of this course, students will:
demonstrate an understanding of the wave model of electromagnetic radiation, and describe how it explains diffraction patterns, interference, and polarization;
perform experiments relating the wave model of light and technical applications of electromagnetic radiation (e.g., lasers and fibre optics) to the phenomena of refraction, diffraction, interference, and polarization;
analyse phenomena involving light and colour, explain them in terms of the wave model of light, and explain how this model provides a basis for developing technological devices.

Specific Expectations:  Understanding Basic Concepts

By the end of this course, students will: define and explain the concepts and units related to the wave nature of light (e.g., diffraction, dispersion, wave interference, polarization, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum);
describe, citing examples, how electromagnetic radiation, as a form of energy, is produced and transmitted, and how it interacts with matter;
describe the phenomenon of wave interference as it applies to light in qualitative and quantitative terms, using diagrams and sketches;
describe and explain the phenomenon of wave diffraction as it applies to light in quantitative terms, using diagrams;
describe and explain the experimental evidence supporting a wave model of light (e.g., describe the scientific principles related to Young’s double-slit experiment and explain how his results led to a general acceptance of the wave model of light).

Chapters 9 & 10

Light & Waves Topics & Url's

A picture gallery of wave and light phenomena

1. Applets that must be viewed
  1.     Ripple Tank Experiments
  2. Single slit diffraction; you vary the wavelength and you may change the slit openning
  3. Ripple Tank Applet The Two red tow point sources may be separated to see this effect.
  4. Young's double slit experiment: where you can vary wavelength, slit separation d and distance to screen L
2. Dispersion
3. Diffraction
4. Young's Double Slit Experiment
5. FromNote-A-Rific
  1. Particle vs Wave Debate
  2. Young's Double Slit Experiment
  3. Diffraction Gratings
  4. Polarization
  5. Deviation through a Prism and Displacement through Glass
6. FromEastern Illinois University I'm going to be lazy on this one and link you to an index page for a series of concise and short notes on these topics from the Eastern Illionis University

Wave Nature of Light: Topics Chapter 25
Superposition Huygens' Principle Young's Double-Slit
Diffraction Grating Diffraction Optical Resolution
Thin Films Summary (incomplete, nothing here) Homework, Solved questions
Make sure you read through these notes, there short and sweet!

7. Diffraction
8. Fresnel Diffraction; Applet godd for seeing slit width changes
9. Theory of Diffraction Grating
10. Colour Seen in Soap Bubbles